
These are thoughts that come, however not forgotten. So take this as a journal, not a diary.


0.0: The warm shower feels most nice after the cold.

0.1: Not to motivate, only to understand.

0.2: The answer you are looking for has been in your pocket the whole time.

0.3: We're all seeds of the divine, some open to receive the light to grow.

0.4: Not smart, understand differently.

0.5: The king can only move one square at a time, pick your next one wisely.

0.6: You already know where to aim, so pull the trigger,

0.7: Heaven is only a feeling.

0.8: We act as if we don't know enough to make a move, but knowing is packaged by the move itself.

0.9: The lens you decide to wear dictates the quality of your vision.

1.0: The divine helps those who help themselves, stop waiting.

1.1: Sex, money, power. The carrot we're all chasing.

1.2: Why do you believe what you believe? Are you using others' opinions to stay safe from judgment?

1.3: It's always the ones that try to explain their realizations that get labelled as mad.

1.4: Don't follow me, just take what's said into consideration.

1.5: We are all actors on the stage of life.

1.6: A reality where there are no consequences. 

1.7: We're all on our way out, act accordingly.

1.8: The underlining motive.

1.9: A deal with fortune.

2.0: Nature of the machines.

2.1: Your minds basement, a dark abyss of discoveries.

2.2: Slaves to ourselves.

2.3: I know it will come but I am not sure.

2.4: Emotions are drugs.

2.5: Fear is an emotion. Don't get too emotional.

2.6: Time is taking it's time.

2.7: Knowing a lot from knowing there is a lot unknown.

2.8: Flawed, I am.

2.9: We are predictable animals, easily governed when fearful.

3.0: Listen closely to the void and it will tell you what you need to know.

3.1: To express > to impress.

3.2: Fight resistance to the fulfilment of your heart, or sorrow in fear. Choose your pain.

3.3: Losing your why means losing your way.

3.4: Your expression of love holds more value than any currency.

3.5: Attention to fear is like coal to a fire.

3.6: Have no attachment to the outcome, we all have the same one anyways.

3.7: Prevail evil by knowing evil.

3.8: I believe that I don't believe in anything.

3.9: Discovering the truth for comfort while finding discomfort in the truth.

4.0: Its exists when there's attention to it.

4.1: Feel, for there is nothing to know.

4.2: I am here to articulate higher dimensions into this one and to observe and make cool shit.

4.3: It's 'eat the rich' until you get rich yourself.

4.4: Wanting to be known until you're known too much.

4.5: It would be nice being a cloud.

4.6: The problem is solved when you top trying to solve it.

4.7: Observe what you feel, do it now.

4.8: Pay attention to what you pay attention to.

4.9: Don't know what I am waiting for.

5.0: This should be free but I want to buy mum a house.

5.1: We're not rational but it depends.

5.2: We are now awakened. Together enduring the dream.

5.4: The executioner is his own client.

5.5: I deserve to get high because I'm sober.

5.6: Good for company, bad for clarity. 

5.7: You should rather try and fail than never try.

5.8: Personal growth is only a change of perspective.

5.9: Jazz is liquid gold for the soul.

6.0: Every piece of art is a self portrait. 

6.1: Existence is my max weight.

6.2: Slaved to the system, the system slaved to greed. No one is satisfied.

6.3: Don't take it personally if you get bit, we're all out for our own interest and personal gain of power.

6.4: From poverty to riches, angels and demons dwell on all levels.

6.5: Your mind is a jug, the quality of liquid inside depends on the consistency of your thoughts.

6.6: We have just as much unlearning to do as well as learning.

6.7: "My greatest award is what I'm about to do" - Kanye West (2008)

6.8: Be not afraid to play the fool when trying something new.

6.9: My vision is to aid yours.

7.0: Assume nothing.

7.1: I am a changed person everyday.

7.2: Everything is self hypnosis.

7.3: The buzz gets annoying and the sobriety feels fake.

7.4: Fewer decisions makes you sharper for the important ones.

7.5: We're pretty much the same.

7.6: I am you and you are me.

7.7: Be aware.

7.8: Power in realising you're not.

7.9: What could be, now can.

8.0: If you don't like the truth then change what's true.

8.1: Did I gain this power to achieve or to never be hurt?

8.2: Self betrayal is not being yourself, yet who are you?

8.3: These dark clouds are now my comfort zone, the more dense the easier to lean on.

8.4: Man's greatest creation was god for his own comfort.

8.5: Hopeless to not bother reaching for the star in front of my nose.

8.6: Fuck success, lets build a theme park.

8.7: It's about building a frame that can withstand the winds of existence.

8.8: The mind is a muscle.

8.9: Write a story.

9.0: Stuck, bruised & confused.